Tutorials & Workshops

Info: The deadline for submissions of workshop and tutorial proposals has been extended due to a high number of requests. Researchers in IR and related fields are still invited to submit their proposals by September 16th, 2018, 11:59 pm (AoE).
ECIR 2019 tutorials should focus on specific problems or specific domains in which information retrieval research is applied. Tutorials can be of either a half-day (3 hours plus breaks) or a full day (6 hours plus breaks). Similar to workshops tutorials are encouraged to be as interactive as possible.
Tutorial proposals should contain the following information:
- Title of the tutorial;
- Instructor(s) and their credentials (brief CVs);
- Aims and learning objectives;
- Scope of the tutorial and its relevance to the information retrieval community;
- Tutorial history (previous offerings of tutorial, if any);
- Format of the tutorial (1/2 day or 1 day);
- Full description (up to two pages to be used in the reviewing process);
- Target audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced) and expected prerequisite knowledge of the audience;
- Citations to publications covered by the tutorial.
Tutorial proposals will be reviewed by the tutorial committee. A summary of the tutorial will be published in the conference proceedings.
ECIR 2019 workshops shall provide a platform for presenting novel ideas and research results in a focused and interactive way. Workshops can be of either a half-day (3 hours plus breaks) or a full day (6 hours plus breaks). Workshops are encouraged to be as dynamic and interactive as possible and should lead to a concrete outcome, such as the publication of a summary paper and/or workshop proceedings.
Workshop proposals should contain the following information:
- Title, and abstract of the workshop;
- Motivation, and relevance to ECIR;
- Workshop goals/objectives coupled with desired outcomes;
- Format/structure of the workshop: planned activities, tentative schedule of events etc.;
- Intended audience, including how participants will be selected/invited;
- Duration: a full day or half day workshop;
- Resources: what resources will be needed to deliver the workshop;
- Indicate if the workshop is related to or follows on from another workshop; if so, please, identify which conference it was previously held at, the past attendance and outcomes, and why another workshop is needed;
- Organisers with brief bio (2-3 sentences) of each with respect to the content of the workshop;
- Any other relevant information to support your proposal (e.g. programme committee, list of invited speakers, overall vision/approach etc.)
Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the workshop committee. A summary of the workshop will be published in the conference proceedings.
All Proposals should be submitted electronically through the conference submission system and must be in in English.
Submission Deadline: September 16th, 2018, 11:59 pm (AoE)